Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How soon I forget...

...about growth spurts.

They had so many of them when they were first born, then around 3-4 months, then apparently there is one around 6 months although we were starting solids, so we might not have noticed it as much.  Well our 9 month growth spurt is in full force.  This past week, I have been up with at least one of the boys every night and Sunday night/Monday morning I was up with both of them - twice!  I literally got Logan back to sleep and 5 minutes later Ellis was up.  Then got Ellis to sleep and Logan woke up.  Logan was sleeping about 15 minutes that time before Ellis woke back up.  I was attributing it partly to teething (although Logan has only gotten one more tooth this week) and partly to the nasty cold that they have, until this morning.  Last night, we gave them a little bit of rice cereal with their bottle before bed to see if they'd sleep longer.  Lo and behold, they slept through the night again and didn't wake up until 6:30 this morning.  Maybe it was just luck, right?  Well, they usually take a nap around 8:30-9am, just for an hour.  I tried putting them down this morning and they were NOT having it.  Sometimes they'll cry a little bit, just until they get comfortable, but this was not just a normal cry.  This was a SCREAM.  Okay, so I'll wait a little bit to see if they stop and fall asleep.  I'm not so good with the "cry-it-out" method, mainly because if I do that, it could wake the other one up and then I have two unhappy babies.  Putting them to sleep is different though because they can't wake the other up if they aren't sleeping yet right?  10 minutes go by - no luck.  I go in there, try to give them their pacifier, no luck.  Wait 10 more minutes.  Nope.  Not gonna happen.

Usually once Troy or I pick them up, when this has happened in the past, they smile because they got their way.  This time though, Ellis was still screaming.  I grab the Orajel.  It looks as though both of them could be getting two more teeth on the top soon, so I feel inside Ellis's mouth and try to get some orajel on his gums.  Meanwhile, get Logan out of his crib, since he's still crying.  Take them both downstairs and let them play, thinking they just weren't ready for a nap.  They are still crying.  Okay, what gives?  At this point it is about 9:15 and they usually eat their "breakfast" between 9:30-10, depending on when they nap, so I grab the little container of cheerios we have, and Ellis just stops crying.  I give him a few, and he grabs them out of my hand like they are going out of style.  So you are hungry huh?  Put him in his highchair, grab Logan who has somewhat calmed down, and give them some cheerios while I go make their cereal and mash their banana.  Breakfast took literally 45 minutes!  They had their cereal, banana, bottle, and enough cheerios and apple cinnamon puffs to choke a horse.  Between cheerio after cheerio and an attempt at drinking water out of a sippy cup (I finally found one that they might like), I realize it is now 10am and both of my happy little babies are back.

I am glad that I finally realized what it was that was going on.  It is not a fun feeling when 2 babies are crying uncontrollably and everything you think of, isn't working.  If all else fails, try Cheerios!  =)  So here we are 1 hour later and they are still playing all around.  Hmmm...wonder if they are going to nap at all today?!?  Or if this momma is going to get a shower!

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