Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What a Christmas!

We had such a great first Christmas with the boys!  Christmas morning, the boys gave me my gift by sleeping in until 7:30am!  They used to sleep longer on the weekends, but after getting up so regularly around 6am during the week, they hadn't slept much longer than that on the weekends.  Needless to say, I was very thankful =).

After eating breakfast, the boys opened up a few gifts from us and a gift that Scott and Amy sent.

It took them a while to figure out what to do, and we helped them open 95% of it, but it was still fun.  

Around lunch time we headed to the Reaves house for Christmas with my side of the family.  Unfortunately we don't have a lot of photos (it is hard helping them open gifts and take pictures at the same time), but here are a few.

The boys were definitely spoiled this year with all the gifts they got.  I am actually taking Nicole's suggestion of putting a few of the toys away and rotating some in and some out, every so often.  This way they won't get bored with them as quickly.  Between all the toys, and the clothes, and even the snacks, the boys must have been VERY good little boys this year!  Troy and I made out pretty well too.  We do a Secret Santa exchange between my parents, Mark, and Nicole.  Troy got a knife, a book, and a winter hat.  I got a shirt, a sweater, and iTunes gift card, and a yummy smelling candle.  What a great time!!

Yesterday, we spent some time with Troy's siblings.  Shaun and Julie, who were in town from Seattle, as well as Sky, got together at Julie's moms house.  It was great seeing Shaun and Julie, since I hadn't seen them both in about a year.  They were in town in May, and got to meet the boys then, but I wasn't in town at the time. The boys were very well-behaved and were spoiled even more with some toys and clothes from their aunt and uncles!  And although Troy brought his camera, we forgot to get any pictures of us all  =(

Today we've just been playing around with all the new toys.  Logan started doing peek-a-boo the other day and loves the play silk from Nicole and Mark and was playing peek-a-boo with that.  So cute!

Logan has also found it funny to stand up in his crib.  I tried putting him down for his nap, then went to go get Ellis and by the time I came back upstairs, this is what I saw!  Once he saw me, he even started jumping up and down.  I guess he wasn't ready for a nap after all!

Although last week I was dreading working (most schools had last week off, although we have this week and next week off), I am very happy that this is just the beginning of my vacation.  I look forward to getting caught up on some things and spending time with the boys.  They are quite the ham-bones lately.  With the big smiles they have lately and the little snorts they are making when they get really excited, they are very entertaining to be around.  

I hope everyone had as good of a Christmas as we did!!  Enjoy the last week of 2011!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Christmas was wonderful this year! I can't get over how big Logan and Ellis are getting. I love the video of Logan. Parker was cracking up over those big smiles and snorts. He was playing peek-a-boo along with him. :)