Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dear Santa

Tis the season for some Santa and some "ho ho ho."  In order to prepare for our brunch with Santa this morning, Morgan was so kind to let the boys get used to this "strange" man, by letting them borrow her Santa toy.  Thank you very much for sharing your toy, Morgan. 

Unfortunately they didn't smile quite so easily today.  Perhaps it was the fact that Santa was SO much bigger than the doll, or because we handed them off to a strange man and appeared to walk away as we tried to get their picture.  Logan was the first one to let out a howl, but he sooned quieted down and smiled, but just in time for Ellis to start panicking.  Pretty typical response if you ask me.  It was a great time and the food was awesome.  Thanks to Pam and Marty for inviting us!
Wondering who the heck this guy was...
After checking this strange man out, Logan
 decided he was not okay with sitting on his lap.
Slightly okay - for a second

Now Ellis' turn to start to freak out

As for the rest of last week and yesterday, here is a recap:
  • Ellis officially got his first tooth -- his top left one.  Unfortunately, it made for a rough Wednesday night, but again, those nights happen with little babies teething.  If you recall reading about a month ago that Ellis got his first tooth, please delete that from your memory.  Long story short, I must have had a delirious moment at 4am when I thought I felt one in his mouth.  
  • They truly enjoy standing up, pushing themselves up on anything they can, and actually yesterday, as I was holding Logan up, he started picking his foot up and down as if he wanted to walk.  Slow down boys!
  • Logan got his second tooth this morning -- his top left one.
  • Yesterday was a fun-filled day too!  First, we celebrated the soon-to-be addition to the Chandler family, with a baby shower for Val.  She got a lot of great and necessary gifts for baby Delevan that will be arriving in 8 short weeks!  It was a nice afternoon out, and also a great time to be able to catch up with Nicole.  Sure, we have talked on the phone and emailed each other, but its just not the same as hanging out and really catching up.  Definitely something I wish we could do more often.  Afterwards, Derek and Val came out to our house, and Bryan, Erin, and Jim joined us to hang out for the evening.  It was a great night of chatting and relaxing.  Another thing I don't get much time to do lately, so I soaked up every minute that I could.  

1 comment:

Nicole said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAH, OMG, Logan and Ellis, I promise you sweet boys. I'm not laughing at you. Well, I'm trying not to at least. Those pictures are too funny. I was totally expecting the same reaction from Parker...

I'm glad they love their little Santa. Morgan is here with me and loved seeing them with it. :) And she asked "why are they crying?" heehee

PS. Were you at Lockharts? Their food is SOOO good. Jealous