Saturday, December 31, 2011

75% of the way there

Yes, I'm the lame math teacher.  The boys are 75% of the way to 1 year old today.  As much as I enjoy watching them at each phase they've gone through already, I really really enjoyed watching them grow this month.  Here are some highlights:

  • Some of their new foods include pureed black beans, pureed and small pieces of ground turkey, cheerios, pieces of kiwi, melon, and peaches.  We've tried giving them peas and carrots without pureeing it but they look at me like I'm crazy.  No, I take that back, they start screaming at me and if I don't put something more enticing on their tray, they will scream their bloody head off.  And if they are that wound up, they won't accept anything besides cheerios to calm them down.  I don't know if it is the texture or what because they LOVE pureed peas and carrots.  They also enjoy Gerber yogurt melts and mild cheddar lil' crunchies (aka cheese poofs).  
  • At the beginning of the month, they enjoyed climbing all over anyone and could stand as long as they were holding onto something sturdy.  Well now they pull themselves up on anything that is taller than them, and will stand their confidently as long as they want to.  I'm even impressed that they can get back down without freaking out or going head first.  They are pretty careful with that transition, surprisingly. 

  • They now enjoy standing in their cribs when they wake up from a nap, which is pretty cute if you ask me.  
  • What is pretty scary though, is turning your head for maybe 15 seconds in the basement and looking back to see them climbing the stairs.  Okay, so they only made it to the second step, but that is still too many steps for a 9 month old if you ask me!
  • Both boys have started crawling on all fours, although Ellis is more content army crawling because he is so fast with it.  

  • Logan has started playing peek-a-boo - He absolutely loves the play silks he got for Christmas (thanks Aunt Nicole!!)
  • Ellis waved, although I'm not sure if he really meant to do it.  He only did it once, so I'm not sure if it was just a fluke.
  • Logan has gained 3 teeth this month for a total of 4, and Ellis has 3 so far confirmed.  Sometimes when he opens his mouth, it looks like he might have another on the bottom, but he hasn't allowed me to put my finger in his mouth to see if it has actually come through yet.
  • They crack me up so much.  Between their laughs, snorts, wide gummy (with a few teeth poking through) smiles - they are just so funny.  I have yet to get a picture with their cute little teeth showing because they are still pretty short, but hopefully I'll get a chance to do that soon.
  • Ellis likes to growl like a lion ever since Troy showed him a youtube video of lions.  I have been making animal sounds too and Logan has been making a piggy sound.  I don't know if he is copying me or if it is just ironic that he is making the oink/snorty sound.
  • Ellis clearly and repeatedly says "da da da da" while Logan has just started saying "ma ma ma", but usually he does that when he is tired.  As Nicole said, why is it that when they say "dada" they are so excited, but when they say "mama" they sound so sad?!?  
Their 9 month appointment (with NO vaccinations!!) is next week, so I will have weight and length/height updates then.  

We have had an amazing 2011 and we are so excited to see what 2012 brings us.  Tonight we plan to stay in and visit with Val and Derek.  Neither Val nor I are sure we will make it until midnight, but hey, that's what motherhood brings, right?!?  Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

gramm said...

Love the update!!!! Those smiles make me smile. Cute shirts in the last pic. You need to let us know if you and Val make it to midnight.