Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bathtub graduation

Today our big boys took their first bath together in the "big boy" tub!  Up until now, we had been giving them a bath in a countertop bathtub that fit between the sinks in my bathroom.  They were getting a bit big for it and it was quite a mess with them splashing around so much, so last night we got a non-skid mat to put on the bottom of my tub and let them try it out today.  At first they both were a little confused and scared (a little crying from both when they first went in), but then we showed them their toys and then they quickly got into it.  Logan even went from the sitting position to the crawling position to play closer with the toys.  All in all, it was a big hit -- and it was fun to allow them to play in the water too!

Logan showing off
Logan just laughs while Ellis plays with the octopus


gramm said...

Such cute pictures. Glad they had a good time.

Nicole said...

Adorable! And hey, did you know your photos enlarge now when you click on them? Dad will be happy. :)

Unknown said...

Nicole, yes, I saw that and told him about it. I think it has something to do with changing the editor, or whatever it's called that you suggested, that makes uploading photos easier.