Thursday, November 10, 2011

Such a fun age

We have been having too much fun with these boys lately. They are becoming more independent, yet starting to play with each other -- or should I say Logan tries to play, but Ellis never fails to take the toy that Logan has, even if there are a dozen other toys around him. Logan is a good sport though. Most of the time, he just ignores Ellis and gets a new toy.

They are crawling around everywhere. Ellis is even starting to crawl like a frog. Instead of army crawling where he uses one leg to move, he is starting to use both legs more and scoots around pretty quickly. We have used the baby gate a few times between the living room and kitchen, mainly when we are cooking, but they do NOT like it if they can't join us in the kitchen when we are in there.

They are too cute in all their new clothes. They just made the move to 6-9 month clothes (although they still fit in some of their 3-6 month clothes!), and they are able to wear some of the clothes that we bought them about a month ago when it started to get cooler out. Little boys in their little jeans and graphic t's. Too cute for words...
They have been a little clingy lately too, although I don't mind. I love cuddling with them. I think Logan likes cuddling with me because of my robe. It's so soft and he likes to rub his face on it. I think he's been a little more clingy (and whiny, if you ask Troy's opinion) because I just noticed tonight that he got his first tooth! His bottom right tooth has just poked through. I thought I saw something in there after dinner, but in the past when I thought I saw something, it was just food or drool pooled up in there. Well, I stuck my finger in his mouth, much to his dismay, and felt the little tooth. He has been sticking his bib or other soft materials in there lately, but wants nothing to do with anything hard, which is unusual, so I thought something was going on. He's taking it like a champ though. Definitely not acting like he is in any far.

Ellis is making the most hilarious growling noises lately. Logan likes to chat quite a bit, but Ellis seriously sounds like he's trying to mimic a lion or something -- roaring. It's so cute. I'll have to try to get it on video this weekend.

Speaking of this weekend, we don't have any major plans. The outside is as ready as it's going to be as far as "winterizing" goes. Troy is getting a massage on Saturday and I am getting a much needed hair cut. Aside from that and regular weekend "chores", we have nothing planned. It will be nice to just sit back and relax.

Hopefully I'll get some pictures and possible a video or two this weekend to post. Until then, happy weekend to everyone!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I can't wait to see them move around next weekend. You are right, it is such a fun age. It seriously keeps getting better and better. They look like little boys, not babies anymore. I think I see a little bit of Parker in them. :) I love their outfits!