Friday, November 11, 2011

Awesome giveaway and Etsy Annoucement

My very talented sister, Nicole, has opened up an Etsy shop, prompt, and is giving one of her first products away in a drawing, that she mentions on her blog. Those of you with children, soon-to-be children, or those that have small children in your family, will LOVE this book. It is a memory book titled, "20 questions", which is a birthday interview album for kids. This book provides 20 questions that you can ask your child at each birthday to track their responses, favorites, and thoughts each year, for 10 years. It is awesome and I plan to get two of them for Logan and Ellis, so if you are interested, check out her blog by Monday if you'd like to enter a drawing to win one, or check out her Etsy store if you are interested in purchasing one.

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