Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Deck

Finally, a week later.  Last week we finished the restoration of the deck.  Although we originally wanted to redo the entire deck, we decided to redo the parts of the deck that showed the most wear and tear (the railings which were falling apart) and the lattice that goes around the bottom of the deck and on the pergola.  For the rest of the deck, we used Restore by Rustoleum (thanks to Troy for correcting what I had earlier).  It puts a thicker texture on it, which is somewhat bumpy.  We put that on the floor of the deck and the matching stain went everywhere else.  Overall, we are VERY pleased with the results and the fact that this stuff should lengthen the life of the deck for 7-10 years.

Here are the before pictures:

After the demo of the railings
And the after pictures:

Here is a picture of the actual boards - a little bit of bumpy texture in it. 
The lattice on the pergola

So happy that it doesn't look so old and worn now although most of the bones stayed the same.  I'm also happy to have railings that aren't loose and wobble back and forth, with splinters coming out of the top.  Lots of work, but well worth it!  A huge thanks to Troy for working as much as he did on it.  Sure, I did my fair share, but I also wasn't working during the time (and very thankful because I would NOT want to work on it after work).  Also, thanks to my parents for coming over and helping us finish it last Saturday.  Extra hands always help get it done faster!

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