Thursday, September 5, 2013

What a week (or two)

Because I want to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight, here is just a brief synopsis of our past two weeks (since I blogged last):

  • Last Tuesday, I finally got to meet baby Dylan.  Kelly came home for a week and we were able to spend some time together - us girls - but also got to meet the cute little guy.  Keeping my fingers crossed that we can see them again soon!
  • Work has kept me busy.  We had a great 3-day training last week, but that meant a really late Friday with getting my classroom ready for school Tuesday.
  • Troy finally had a Friday off last week but wasn't able to accomplish much of anything.  Ever since Ellis got sick a few weeks ago, we've had an issue with some sort of bug between the two of them.  Logan came down with a fever Friday morning and was sent home, so Troy spent the day with the boys.
  • We got to visit with Kelly and her family, again on Saturday, for a little BBQ.  
  • Tuesday was the first day of school.  Sure it was a bit hectic but crazy how awesome this staff is that I work with.  A school that is opening for its 4th year, with adding the elementary and high school this year (we are all in the same building for this year also) is bound to have its issues at first, but I was pretty impressed with how the day went.  I was actually pretty excited when I left work, until...
  • I talked to Troy on the way home from work and he told me that Seema (our day care provider) saw a rash on Logan's belly and thinks it could be measles or roseola.  Troy made an appointment with the doctor on Wednesday.  Sure as heck freaked me out.  They are all caught up on their immunizations so I really didn't know if measles was really an option, but who knows.  
  • Luckily it wasn't measles.  Apparently it was an intestinal virus that was no longer contagious once the fever broke, which was Friday night.  Phew!  Unfortunately his appetite might be a little lower and he might have diarrhea for the next week or so while it works its way out of his little body, but so glad to hear that it isn't anything major.
  • Huge high five to Ellis who was by himself at daycare (well, without Logan) while Troy took Logan to the doctor.  I wasn't sure how he would react to being dropped off and Troy taking Logan back with him, but he was really good!  A proud mama, once again.
  • Tonight, it's a huge Big Brother night (yes, I'm addicted) and Troy is headed to a friend's house to head up north to go salmon fishing tomorrow so its just me and the boys (and Bella) for the next 36 hours.
  • This weekend we are headed to the Adrian area for a birthday party for a special 1 year old!
  • And as far as work goes, 3 days down, 177 more to go!  Okay, so that sounds like I'm already ready for next summer. It isn't that bad, but getting back in the swing of things is never easy I think.  Plus, this week we haven't jumped into the curriculum yet and our schedule is not like it will always be, so I'm looking forward to next week when we start the normal schedule and normal days.
I will end here with a few pictures and videos from the past two weeks:
Logan LOVES this construction hat at day care.  Literally wouldn't take it off for 2 whole days!
Ellis playing ball with a new friend.
A MUCH needed girls night.  Love these girls and wish that we had more nights like this!
After Troy took Logan to day care after his doctors appointment, he jumped right in and joined Ellis on the slide.
The boys got some hot wheels for their birthday (thank you Sheila and Luke!), and just recently Ellis has not been able to put them down.  He plays with them from the moment we get home to the minute we go to bed.  Yesterday he even used Troy's leg as a road/ramp.  It was so cute.  Looks like we'll have to get him some more hot wheels toys!

Here are two videos of the boys.  The first one is of them "playing drums" at day care.  It's not the best quality, but looks like we need to get them a drum set soon.  The second one is of them (mainly Logan) playing basketball.  They are actually getting pretty good!  =)

Alright, well, this mama has to get up earlier tomorrow than normal since I'm flying solo with the boys, so it's time for bed.  Hopefully everyone has a great Friday and an even better weekend!  And also lots of luck to Troy.  Hoping he has good luck fishing tomorrow!

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