Sunday, September 29, 2013

Yes, we're alive over here

Long time, no talk -- sorry!  After working at my new job for nearly a month (with actual students), I'm realizing it was the worst career change I've ever made and I'm kicking myself daily for it.  Because of all the craziness, my emotions have been a roller coaster the past few weeks and I've either been so busy staying afloat with work stuff or just so mentally exhausted I haven't thought about blogging at all.  So, sorry...

Instead of focusing on the negative work side of things (although, I hold the slightest bit of hope that the stars will line up just perfectly so that I don't have to stay there all year), I will share with you some of our fun around here.

Tomorrow, not only is our one and only girl, Bella, turning 4 years old, but the boys will officially be 2.5!  Wow, how time flies!  After the first few weeks of day care being up and down (only because of the boys back and forth illness), they have gotten into a great routine there.  There were some days that Troy would drop them off and they would be a little whiny, but now they run in her house, give hugs and sit down to watch a cartoon while breakfast is being prepared.  They have been chatting a lot more - with Logan adding a lot of words to his vocabulary, and Ellis just being more vocal in general but not saying as many recognizable words.  I think Ellis has always been a month or two Logan as far as talking goes, so it isn't much of a surprise to me.  Today at lunch, Logan wanted more beans so he pointed to them and looked at me and said "beans".  Last week when he was clapping after doing something, he would clap a few times and say "clap clap" as he did it.  Too funny!  Logan also has a cute little alphabet chant that he says that I'm dying to get on video, but never have my phone around when he does it.  I'd say he says about 3/4 of the alphabet and knows even more than that when asked to recognize them.  They've also gotten better with drinking from an open cup, one skill they are really working on at day care.  Instead of just throwing the cup back and spilling all the liquid, they are really careful to tip the cup back and watch the liquid in the cup.  Here's a little video of Ellis yesterday at breakfast:

Lately, their favorite toy has turned into anything vehicle-related.  I got them a hot wheels track to play with since they had a few hot wheels and they play with that all the time.  They also love their train tracks downstairs to play trains on and even love wheeling their bigger cars off the tables down stairs.  Logan was hogging all the vehicles one day and put them all in his big car and drove them around.  Poor Ellis didn't realize where they all went!  

The chairs were on the table after vacuuming, but Ellis thought the legs of the chairs
were great obstacles for the cars to drive through!
They also love music.  Seema (the daycare provider) has a piano and lets the boys "play" on it.  A few weeks ago she sent me a video (although when videos are transferred it doesn't look very well, so I will spare you this one) of them playing on it.  Logan was more beating on it, but Ellis hit a key, listened to it, then hit more, just one at a time.  She thinks he has an ear for music!  =)  I do know they love it and Ellis is mesmerized by songs and videos we play.  Last week we had a little dance party in the basement and they just went crazy dancing - of course, right before bed!  Gotta get rid of all that energy! 

This weekend we've started some fall clean up outside.  Lawn mowed, shrubs trimmed (with the goal of removing a few more before it gets too cold), summer toys put away, etc.  I decided to take the boys to the zoo while Troy started on the cleaning.  I feel like I haven't been able to spend as much quality time with them after work as I'd like, so we had some mommy-son time together.  They were so excited to be there - it's been nearly 2 months since we've been - that I couldn't walk fast enough to keep up with them.  Since we planned only a short morning visit, I didn't take the stroller.  We went one other time in the summer without a stroller since most of the time they wanted to walk anyway, and they loved it.  Plus it's one less thing for me to worry about keeping my eyes on when they just wanted to walk anyway.  So, we made a quick stop at the fountain before checking out the animals.  Logan quickly came to me for a penny to throw into the fountain, apparently remembering the last time we were there and Lucas threw one in.  Once they both threw one in, we were off yet again.  

We made it to all the popular animals, spending more time checking out the giraffes.  It was about feeding time so they were up close and Ellis' eyes were just glued to him.  We also spent a bit of time with the polar bears.  We were so lucky to have barely walked into the exhibit and he floated right over us a few times!  Then after leaving the main exhibit, we walked over to one that was off to the side that allowed you to see both under the water and out of the water.  This was the best part.  The polar bear swam right up to the glass and Ellis and Logan got an up front look at him.  Again, they didn't take their eyes off of him and as he swam away, their heads followed him for as long as they could see him. Awesome!

And off they go!
Checking out the llama!
So cool to see Nuka swim right above us!
Last time they went they discovered the icy wall.  They loved it again this time too!

In a different exhibit where Nuka swam right up to the window for an up close and personal look!

Once they started slowing down (yes, they literally ran around most of the time), we stopped for a snack before heading to the front to leave.  When Ellis realized we were leaving, he threw a wonderful fit, prompting me to pick him up and keep walking.  Logan then threw a fit (oh lucky me) so I unintentionally became the woman carrying both of her 30 lb children and the diaper bag, out of the zoo to limit anymore melt downs.  All in all, they had a great time and I'm so glad we made the impromptu trip on such a beautiful day.

After lunch, it was more clean-up in the backyard, for Troy, while I plugged away at work stuff.  Yippie!  We spent the rest of the afternoon outside, the boys playing and Troy cleaning up, and then called it a day.  The boys were exhausted when it was time for bed - the hint of a very successful day!  =)

Shocking that Ellis would let Troy put his sunglasses on him before we went outside.  He doesn't usually like things on his head or face, like Logan, but he thought this was pretty cool!
Today is a bit more relaxing - the rain obviously isn't allowing us to finish up outside.  I got a few work things done this morning and after the boys wake up from their nap we are going to close all the windows and buckle down to cut their hair.  It is WAY too long, but we always put it off due to the murder-like screams they have when we do it.  Hopefully our neighbors don't hear them and wonder what the heck is going on!

I can't believe it is practically October already, but hey, 1 month of work down and only 9 more to go.  Gotta look on the bright side of things, right?

Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend and I will try my best to keep in touch more!      

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