Saturday, October 5, 2013

Another week down

This week has been full of ups and downs (again).

  • Monday - yet another rough day at work
  • Tuesday - Ellis came home from day care with a fever
  • Wednesday - talked with the CEO of the school I worked at last year to try to get my foot back in the door in that district (yay!), but come home to find out that Ellis' fever has not only gone down, but despite giving Tylenol all day, actually went as high as 104!  At 8pm before bed, I called our pediatrician who was on-call and she suggested that we take him in to After Hours Pediatrician Care (works with the ER) at Beaumont.  Luckily it wasn't anything major but a virus that is going around, but no day care for the rest of the week so he can fully recover.
  • Thursday - home with Ellis during the day.  Logan was a super-duper good boy and went to day care all by himself and did really well there.  Me, on the other hand, took advantage of Ellis' 4 hour nap (which is unheard of, but not surprising since he wasn't feeling well) and got a TON of stuff done around the house and for work.  
  • Friday - Ellis spent the day with Grandma Bush and Logan had another good day flying solo at day care and I actually had a pretty good day at work myself.
  • Saturday - laying low at home.  I was hoping to head out to the cider mill or something, but with Ellis not being 100% yet (still a little cranky and clingy), I really didn't want to push it even though his fever was pretty much gone.  We spent the afternoon coloring, having an impromptu FaceTime session with Nicole, Morgan, and Parker, playing with cars and blocks, and reading.  
Not many pictures were taken this week, but here are a few videos.

#1 - Guitar jam session with daddy:

#2 - I pulled out the alphabet flash cards while Logan was eating his snack and off he went naming off the letters.

Happy Sunday everyone!  

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