Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone is staying somewhat dry this Halloween.  I love seeing all the pictures from everyone on Facebook, showing the cute little kids all dressed up!  We opted out of any activities tonight.  The boys don't really understand the whole trick-or-treating concept yet, and since we knew the weather was going to be less than desirable tonight, we went to a "trunk-or-treat" event last night which was less than a mile from our house.  The boys LOVED it.  Of course they got a little spoiled when they were handed a bowl to choose from (Logan again became a little greedy when he decided to take more than one piece), and they weren't very happy when people tried to put the candy in their pumpkin for them.  They wanted to put it in there themselves.  Of course I only had my phone camera so lighting wasn't exactly wonderful, but here are a few pictures:
"Let's get this party started"

Hmm - what piece looks good?!?
Ellis' turn to grab a piece! 

Between last night's fun and the other Halloween festivities a couple weeks ago (seen here), and knowing they were having a Halloween party at daycare today, I knew they would be okay with not going out tonight.  They don't even know the difference.  Plus, they don't eat any of the candy anyway, so I think Troy and I are set for a while!

They must have had a blast at the party at day care too, because I was told that they fell right asleep at nap time and around 7:30 tonight Logan was already yawning, which is unheard.  Usually he is the one that takes longest to fall asleep, but not tonight!  

On another note, tomorrow is the big day - my last day at UYA.  Although I'm very happy to be going back to UPA, I am not exactly looking forward to sharing the news with my students tomorrow.  Although some of them are a handful, I really will miss quite a few of them.  Yesterday a student gave me a nice drawing saying I was the best math teacher.  Although much appreciated, I had this horribly guilty feeling knowing that I will be telling them tomorrow that I'm not returning.  Bittersweet, that's for sure.  As for the awesome 7th grade teachers I worked with, yes, it will be sad to say goodbye, but hopefully I will be able to reconnect with them every so often since some of them are friends with teachers at UPA.  For this weekend (once I can relax after moving all my shit back to UPA), we plan on hanging out with friends to watch the U of M/Michigan State game on Saturday.  A perfect excuse to relax and have a few beers, right?

Well, I'm exhausted and I have a feeling I'm going to need all the rest I can get tonight to deal with tomorrow.  Good night, for now!

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