Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lovin' life

This past has been so much better than last week.  Last week I was in a bit of a funk, but I'm officially out of it and enjoying each minute I have with the boys before the dreaded day I go back to work.

Last week was the Big Rig Gig in Lake Orion that we checked out.  The boys LOVE trucks, so it just seemed perfect.  Unfortunately, with a lot of trucks comes a lot of horn honking, so aside from Logan covering his ears every so often, they seemed to enjoy it.  

Hard to tell, but he's "driving" a school bus
And Ellis' turn - which he was super excited about.  He just LOVES busses!

And nothing beats a little fun running (and apparently doing UFC moves) in the field that all the trucks were in.

Couldn't leave without checking out the smelly garbage truck.  
Troy, being the smart ass he is, wanted to pose in front of his favorite truck!
Over the weekend, we put a huge dent in the deck restoration.  We put all the railings on, on Saturday, and on Sunday, we did the railings for the steps and put a 2nd coat on everything that needed it.  Before and after pictures (once we stain the steps and the pergola this weekend) will be a post all on it's own.

On Monday we headed to the park and again fed the ducks.  Apparently its just mandatory now to visit and feed the ducks every time we go to the park.

On Tuesday we headed to the library story time.  The boys played at the library beforehand, and despite all the kids playing (I've never seen the kids section so full before!), probably because they all had the same idea of playing before story time, I was impressed at how well the kids played with the other kids around.  No grabbing/stealing toys, no whining, etc.

Yesterday we headed to see Nicole, Morgan and Parker.  After lots of playing inside, in the morning, we headed outside in the afternoon.

Bubble-chasing time
A little impromptu water fun.  No bathing suits = playing in diapers.  It's all good! 
I loved how Ellis stared so intently on what Morgan was doing (dipping her hair in the water then standing up to squeeze it out).  Logan's diaper got way too bloated, so he changed into a pair of underwear so he wouldn't be so uncomfortable.  It is wrong to think your child looks so cute wearing underwear?!?  
Today we met up with Sheila and Luke at the zoo.  We tried something new today - no stroller - and it was a very fun, successful trip.  Earlier in the summer, the boys get out of the stroller when we stop to see an animal and then get back in to travel to the next animal.  Well, the last time we were there, they barely wanted to go in the stroller at all, so when they did get a little out of my reach, it was near impossible to get them both together, and the stroller at the same time.  This mama only has 2 hands, ya know.  Today, we enjoyed ourselves and they did such a good job listening and holding my hand for quite a bit of the time (like they do when we walk around the block since we don't have sidewalks).

Tiger siting!
I was pretty surprised that Ellis let Luke hold his hand - too cute! 
Up close and personal with a gorilla.
At the polar bear/seal exhibit, there is an ice wall.  Usually the boys are in a hurry to get out of there that they never really touch the cold wall.  I asked Logan if the wall was cold and he said "cold".  I did a double-take and looked at Sheila and she heard it too.  Baby steps....

Seeing the polar bear from the outside.  It looks really far away in the picture but it really didn't seem that far away.
And you can't keep this kid off of the rocks, so we took a little break while the boys climbed on rocks and jumped off of them!
Whew!  Looking at that week, it's no surprise I'm a little tired.  Sure we've been a little busy, but the boys have loved every minute of it and I want to make the most of our last 2 weeks.  For tomorrow, we are going to hang low during the day because we are headed to the Chandlers for the evening.  Such fun days = little/no nap and I don't want to risk that tomorrow and have to come home to early from their place.  Hope everyone is enjoying their summer too!

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