Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hello July (+11)

Okay, so I've been neglecting July's post for my monthly challenge - kind of on purpose, kind of not.  Last week was busy with getting ready for our camping trip, and with everything going on, I really had no idea what to challenge myself to do.  To be honest, I had so much fun just enjoying my free time in June that I couldn't think of anything more serious to do this month.

So, after a few extra days of thinking of things I'd like to accomplish this month, I finally figured it out...11 days later!  Although I've been pretty good this past month at getting caught up with my Project Life album for this year, I've fallen behind on the boy's individual albums.  For their albums, I've just been focusing on their milestones, holidays, trips, etc, but I haven't worked on them this entire year at all.  After reorganizing photos, I determined that I have about 6 layouts for each of them to complete, so it is my goal in the remaining 20 days this month, to get their albums up to date.  I don't want to rush through each layout just to get it done, but I want to be more focused during my free time after the boys go to bed to spend some time working on them.

Any of you creative people out there can feel free to send their creative juices this way.  This mama is going to need all the creativity I can get.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You know I'm down with this - go mama go!! Do you think you could do a layout a day?