Monday, April 1, 2013

Goodbye March, Hello April

We are into our 4th month of 2013 already!  What's sad is that I still catch myself writing 2012 every so often!

With another month ending, it's time to look back at the challenge I made for myself for March - to limit the unnecessary spending.  This included no eating out, no stops at a drive-thru for a pop, no random purchases at Target, etc.  And the end result?!?  I did pretty good - not perfect though.  I did have a little lapse one Friday at work and went out to get something to eat.  And, just this past week, Troy and I got takeout for dinner.  But no extra, unnecessary purchases elsewhere.  2 "mess-ups" in the month isn't too bad I suppose.  As Troy says, though, we could have spent a lot more if we would have went out to eat once a week or more like we did in the past, compared to the two times all month that we did.  So, we did save money in the long run.

As far as the month of April goes, I think I'm going to focus on a fitness goal.  I have already challenged myself to no pop and no candy (my two weaknesses), in order to eliminate extra calories going in my body, but considering my main goal for my body is to tone up, that doesn't happen by just eating less.  I have to get moving more.  So, this month's challenge is to move more.  This includes not taking the elevator at work (my classroom is on the 4th floor) and being active for 20 minutes or more, 15 or more days of the month.  I am still taking a class and I am still working full-time, so I can't guarantee activity every day (yet!), but hopefully I can get some sort of activity for half the days of the month.  This might include taking Bella for a walk/run, doing the pilates video I have, getting on the treadmill (my goal next month is going to include running, so I might as well get a start on that now) - anything that keeps me moving for 20 minutes or more.  I think that having Spring Break this week puts me at a slight advantage because I'm not working, so hopefully this extra time will get me in the routine of it all and make it easier next week when I am working again.  

Anyone interested in having a virtual workout buddy?  I know that timing of working out and where we all live put us at a disadvantage to actually working out together, I'm always better when I have accountability and someone asking how I'm doing - it helps me stay on track better.  If anyone else is in a slump right now and needs some motivation, let me know - maybe we can help each other out!

Happy April everyone!

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