Sunday, September 2, 2012


Just a bit of randomness from this week:

Back in May they were unsure about the swings and more about the slide.  Nowadays, they love the swings too.  Even after taking them off the swings at the park, they wanted right back on!

They have recently not liked being fed their breakfast, so my mom started them with actually eating cereal on their own.  A bit tricky for them to keep their wrist straight to put the cereal in their mouth, but they have made HUGE progress within just one week!

 Chocolate chip pancakes for dinner.  Guess who LOVED them!?!  =)

Still plenty of time playing outside in the pool and sandbox!

Troy has multiple extra controllers for his Xbox 360, so when he is playing, he lets the boys use one (with the battery disconnected so it really doesn't work).  I cracked up when we went downstairs earlier today and Logan ran for the couch, grabbed the controller, and acted like he knew what he was doing.  He looks so into it, doesn't he!?!?

Ellis too...although he is more excited to just play with the joysticks.

Yesterday was a ton of fun.  Kelly, a longtime friend who now lives in Vegas, is home for the weekend.  It was great seeing her and catching up.  The boys adored her and Chris, her boyfriend.  It was so cute seeing them warm right up to them.  We hung out at the Chandlers for the evening and had lots of good chats, food, and drinks.  We stayed a little bit for the Michigan/Alabama game, but left by halftime when it was clearly a blowout.
Roomies from CMU and friends to this day!
Today, I got quite a few things done on my weekend to-do list.  Clean out my car (my backseat quickly fills up with cereal and snacks now that they are in the car more often), re-seed an area that we are growing grass in, and put a TON of stuff of the boys on Craigslist - mainly clothes that are too small.  I'm hoping all the time it takes to take pictures, upload pictures and create the posts pays off.  It would be nice to get the 2 huge boxes of clothes out of the living room!  And, I am now addicted to the game "Song Pop"...thanks to Derek - it's a back and forth song challenge game that I'm playing on my iPad, but anyone with smart phones can play it on there too.

Oh, and starting yesterday, I made a month goal to not consume candy.  Over the summer I didn't do too bad, but back at work, I frequently was taunted with candy in front of me at different meetings we had.  I need to lay off.  So, we'll see how this goes.  And if you know me, you know how hard this challenge is going to be.  Wish me luck!

Meanwhile, Troy is getting pumped up for his salmon fishing weekend up in Glen Arbor.  In case you haven't seen his frequent updates on Facebook on how many days until he leaves, he is way excited!!  We wish him lots of luck and hopefully he'll bring lots of fish home (for his consumption only -- I'm not a big fish fan!)

Okay, enough babbling.  I hope everyone enjoys their extra day off tomorrow.  Tuesday its back to school for me - as a teacher and a student!  Not only is the first day of school with kids, on Tuesday, but my Calculus class starts Tuesday too.  I was spoiled by taking an online class last semester, but I have to go on campus for this one.  I have taken Calculus before (just taking it as a refresher before taking Calc II in the winter) but its been 14 years, so I'm hoping it comes back quickly.  Between everything starting up this week and Troy being gone fishing, this is just a heads up that you might not see me on here until next weekend when I have time to breathe!  

Happy first week of September!

1 comment:

gramm said...

Love the swing pics. Somehow the pictures of the boys with the remotes don't surprise me. :)