Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nothing too exciting

I'm not going to lie - in the midst of all the other things I've been doing lately, I've definitely pushed the blog to the back burner.  It also doesn't help that there really isn't anything major going on (which is totally fine too!), so I don't have much to share.  Next month we'll have more fun to share since we have more planned, but here are a few stories and pictures to hold you over until then:

The boys have been good with going up the stairs lately, and have been able to go down steps if there is only one or two to get down.  Earlier this week, they went down the deck stairs (about 4 of them) with no problems.  Them becoming more independent with these little tasks definitely makes life easier for us - and less heart attacks fearing they will fall down them.

And of course, what is more fun than climbing the stairs?  Climbing up the stairs with a football!

With the changing weather this week, and the much colder mornings, we got some cute pullover fleeces for the boys.  Hear is Logan, all ready to go to Grandmas in the morning.  He also has been quite attached to his blanket so half the time, that goes with us too!

This weekend has included lots of relaxing and snuggling blankets and each other.  Ellis was quite content watching the news with Troy after dinner last night...and of course he loves his blanket too!

This morning, I was vacuuming the main floor, and when I was done I prepped the boys lunch before calling them upstairs.  Troy then told me to come downstairs with my camera.  Apparently Ellis was just too tuckered out, and fell asleep right on Troy.  Too cute little man...

So thats it.  A little bit of our past week - nothing big!  Coming up in the next month or so:
  • A girls scrapbook weekend next weekend!
  • The boys 18 month check-up (with only 1 shot this time!  Woo hoo!)
  • Grandma and Grandpa Bush coming home to visit - it has been over a year since we've seen them, so it's a long awaited visit!
  • A trip to the Cider Mill - cider, donuts, and pumpkins!
  • The Fall Festival and the Zoo Boo at the Detroit Zoo
  • And of course the boys 2nd Halloween.  They didn't dress up or go out last Halloween - heck they were only 7 months old - so I consider this Halloween to be their 1st one!  =)  

Happy Fall everyone!

1 comment:

gramm said...

Love the pictures of Troy and Ellis. And poor Logan! I'm sure he didn't like his picture taken on the time out spot!