Sunday, March 25, 2012

Saturday Adventures

Yesterday we had a few firsts:

1) I bought them each a little snack trap cup on Friday.  Now the trick was finding out if they would understand how to use it and then use it correctly.  It took a few minutes, but they got the hang of it.  Then Ellis got even smarter and realized that if he pushed the little flap down and shook it at the same time, some cheerios would come out on their own - and oh what fun that was!  For the most part it was a success!

2) Then we went to get their very first hair cut.  They couldn't have that shaggy hair for their big party next weekend!  =)  Logan was NOT a fan of the clippers, so he was pretty upset the entire time, even when we tried to occupy him with yogurt melts and his favorite book.  Ellis wasn't so bad, and with the help of a nearby stylist that acted silly to distract him, he was finished much quicker.

Logan is first.  Not too bad yet (That's because she didn't start yet - she was just putting the cape on!)

Yes, he was like this the ENTIRE time.

Ellis's turn - so far so good.

Okay Dad, get me out of here.  I'm sick of this now...

Logan - After

Ellis - After
3)  The boys have been eating finger foods for a while, they usually get some form of meat, veggie/starch, and fruit for dinner, but I have been trying to transition them to eating what we eat, so I'm not cooking two different meals all the time.  Depending on what we even have for dinner though, it's not always easy.  Last night I made Mango Chutney Chicken - not the exact name, but it has homemade mango chutney with chicken that was cooked in a mixture of coconut milk, red curry paste, and fish oil, served with pasta.  After they ate what I prepared for them, they seemed hungry still, so I started cutting up my dinner for them and they ate, and ate, and ate it all up. I actually had to go get more for myself AND for them because they were eating so much of it.  Sounds like a hit - and I guess I can't assume that they won't like our different concoctions for dinner because they sure proved me wrong last night.  Looks like that transition won't be as hard as I thought...

Speaking of eating and transitioning them to "normal" meals, I'd love feedback from any moms out there: what do you prepare for your kids for lunch?  I think lunch time is the hardest meal to prep for without always being so repetitive with what they have.  Any suggestions?

1 comment:

gramm said...

They look so cute with their new haircuts. Poor Logan tho--all his tears.