Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Odds and Ends

A few things to report around here.  First of all, a BIG thanks to Aunt Julie and Uncle Shaun for the awesome birthday gift for the boys.  They sent a wagon for the boys and they just LOVE it.  I know their birthday isn't officially here yet, but with the nice weather this weekend, we thought we'd take advantage of it and take them for a little walk in it to see what they thought.  They were a little skeptical at first, but then enjoyed it.

It is also amazing at what the boys find entertaining.  A pop bottle, a bucket, being on the couch - the list is endless.  Here are a few pictures of Troy throwing Ellis up in the air and landing on the couch.  He LOVED it..

The last little tidbit of the day -  Ellis took two steps today.  Yes, two very wobbly steps, but steps nonetheless.  It won't be long now..

Thats all for now.  Time for baths!

1 comment:

gramm said...

Ellis is fearless. You wouldn't think he'd like being let go in mid-air.