Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Some relief..

After a weeks worth of studying for my test I took yesterday and getting my 2nd quarter grades done for my students at school, I finally have some time to blog again.  It's not that the work for this math class is too terribly hard, there is just a lot to memorize and 9 sections worth of work to remember how to do.  Ugh, I am already not looking forward to the next test in a few weeks, although I think the first test of any class is the hardest because you just don't know what to expect.

Anyways, we haven't been up to a whole lot here, aside from trying to figure out all this weather - the bitter cold last week, the snow we got over the weekend, and then the ice, warmer temperatures, ridiculous amounts of rain, and floods we have been having the past few days.  All I know is I look forward to the day that the temperatures increase without the threat of snow the next day.  I know we have the possibility of snow for the next 3 months, but I'm done with all this crazy weather!

Last weekend while we were downstairs, I was doing some scrapbooking and realized it was a bit too quiet on the other side of the basement.  Much to my surprise, this is what I found when I went to see what was going on.  The boys definitely like climbing on things, but are usually pretty good with using their stools to sit at this table to do their puzzles.

I guess their stools are more fun to use as push toys when the put them upside down, instead of sitting on them like they should be!

The boys have always been drawn to music and for the longest time they loved watching a YouTube video of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", but now they are into One Direction and the song "More Than This".  I know, a little scary that my boys are into a boy band, but what can you do?

And while Logan watches intently at the video, Ellis acts like a madman jumping and bouncing around dancing!

This picture just cracks me up.  It looks like Ellis is just singing away and busting some moves!

The next day I actually got a little video of him dancing:

Ellis does most of the jumping and grunting, but Logan has his little moves too!

Lately their nighttime snack is either some fruit or a handful of popcorn.  One night we had some popcorn, and apparently what I gave Ellis wasn't enough.  So after he ate what Logan didn't finish, he found the bag I left out, opened it, and put more handfuls in his bowl, and actually ended up eating all of that too!  They definitely go through their spells of either being really hungry some days or barely eating other days.  It's just the age, I suppose.

On the baby news front (no, not us!), we were happy to find out that all of our pregnant friends are having boys!  How awesome to get all of them together in a few years when we have get-togethers!  Also a close friend of Troy's is having twins (well, his friend's wife) and is actually in the hospital to deliver as we speak so hopefully she has a quick labor and will have her two cutie pies tonight or tomorrow!

Aside from that, nothing really going on.  This weekend we don't have much planned except for watching the Super Bowl with the Chandler's, but that's about it.  I don't mind having a relaxing weekend after doing nothing but studying last weekend.

Hopefully I'll blog again soon, but cut me some slack if I don't update as soon as you'd hope.  I'm one busy mama over here!

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