Friday, January 18, 2013

I'm still here!

I know, I know, I've been horrible at updating the blog.  After a 2+ week unplanned hiatus, I'm back.

To be honest, the main reason for my lack of blogging is a lack of anything to blog about.  I'm back to work after a very nice 2 week Christmas/New Years break, and also back in class for another semester.

The boys have been doing awesome.  Sometimes they just totally crack me up at the things they do.  I was changing Logan's diaper the other day before bed but I was in the basement, so instead of putting his pants back on, I just kept them off since I'd put his pajamas on him once we went upstairs.  Well, Ellis thought it was hilarious to go up to Logan, tap him on the diaper and run away - like he was playing tag with him - and Logan thought it was funny too.

Another night, we put the boys to bed in fleece pants and a thermal shirt instead of their normal all-in-one footed pajamas and when I went to wake them up in the morning, this is what I found:

It's crazy to know he did this in the middle of the night considering when I checked on them before bed at 10:30, he was fully clothed (and by the way, the diaper is around his knees and his pants are in the opposite corner of the crib).  So needless to say, before we left for the day, a load of laundry went in the washer.

Last week we enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather and even went on a wagon ride.  The boys just love their wagon.

Other pictures to share:

Ellis loves helping me with the laundry.
Apparently climbing on a stack of pillows and rolling off is a fun new game too.

Logan drawing on their new MagnaDoodle Easel that they got from Uncle Sky for Christmas.
And Ellis loves it too!
The boys aren't much into coloring with crayons, but recently I had out some of my colored pencils that I used for card making and they just went to town scribbling with them.  I feel like when they tried using crayons, they didn't see as much color on the paper and lost interest, where as colored pencils need little pressure to get more color to show up.  So, last weekend we did quite a bit of "coloring" too.
Like I said, nothing much going on - unfortunately not many pictures being taken, so I will try to do better in the coming weeks and post a little more frequently.  

In slightly unrelated news, I want to congratulate one of my close friends (you know who you are!) who got to bring her little boy home from the NICU earlier this week.  He's a strong little boy and grew fairly quickly for how early he was.  I can't wait to see the cutie pie in person and hear all about your adventures as a family of 4.  It also looks like this is the year of boys being born!  3 of my friends are pregnant and due within a month of each other and 2 of them so far appear to be having boys (1 of them isn't 100% certain due to having an early ultrasound) and 1 finds out next week.  Gosh, can you imagine the extreme fun we will be having in a few years when the boys all hang out to play?!?!?  I can hardly wait!!

And in case you were wondering how I've been doing with my January Challenges, I'm doing well with both of them.  I haven't had any pop nor have I had any candy.  The pop part was much harder at the beginning, but lately the desire to have candy has been entering my head more often (especially with an open bag of candy in my drawer at school).  I text Troy one day saying it was killing me not to eat the candy in my drawer, secretly thinking he might say "then just go ahead and have one", but nope.  His response was "it will eat away at your conscious if you have one - you'll be mad at yourself". Yeah, he's right.  Plus, anyone who knows me, knows I wouldn't have had just one!  =)  It's been hard, but I'm over half the month through it, so I think it will be smooth sailing from now until the 31st!

So, that's it for us.  It's time for me to go pack up to scrapbook tomorrow.  Have a great weekend and stay warm!

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