Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Monthly Challenge - January

As I mentioned in my last post, I am not creating "resolutions" for myself this year, but instead monthly challenges.  Things that will help me be a better person.  Since it takes a few weeks to make something routine, I think that a month is long enough to make a change that could better myself.  I'm not saying I will stop the challenge right away when the month is over, but hopefully I can create new habits by committing to something for a month.  And the reason I've decided to mention it on here is to inform those friends and family that I see often what I'm doing so that I don't get funny looks when I mention it in passing.

This month, I have 2 food/drink related challenges.  This month, my challenge is to have NO pop or candy.  For anyone who even somewhat knows me, this is going to be hard (especially because I have some candy in my desk drawer at work that I forgot to bring home with me before Christmas).  I usually have my morning "coffee" (which is really pop in a coffee mug - but for some reason I get fewer weird looks than if I just had a can or bottle of pop at 7am!), and usually some other pop for dinner, with water in between.  Or a huge ass $1 pop from McDonald's which lasts me the whole work day.  Lately though, the water has been very minimal, which isn't good.  I go in spurts with candy, but again, lately, I grab a handful here, or handful there, and before I know it - the entire bag of whatever it was is gone.  Pam and I are known for making a candy run during our break at work to keep in our desk for the times we have a sweet tooth every once in a while.  Sorry Pam, no gas station runs this month!!

So, we'll see how this goes.  I'm not going to lie.  It's only Day 2 and I'm totally craving some candy and I do have a slight headache (maybe caffeine withdrawl?!?), but I also think it has to do with the fact of being home during the day and not being completely busy with things to do.  It's all about making better food and drink choices, though right?  Hopefully this will help!

Anyone else have any sort of resolution they are working on this year?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love the monthly challenge idea! Drinking more water is on the top of my list too. It's so hard in the winter when it's hard to keep warm and water sounds so blah. I'm going to try to do something similar and give myself monthly goals - just a few a month to work on. :) Good luck sis. Hope the headaches don't last long!