Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Oh, what a Christmas!

We couldn't have asked for a better Christmas around here - including Christmas Eve Eve and Christmas Eve.

We started with a bit of an impromptu trip to the Chandler's on Sunday.  Mike and Ann were in town and we haven't seen them since my baby shower (yikes!), so a visit with them was beyond past due.  Lots of fun catching up, visiting, having a favorite drink (wine smoothie!), dinner, and watching the kids play.

They love playing with balls, so it was no surprise that they would LOVE this big ball!
They had an absolute blast playing in a dog crate in their basement.  I guess it's kind of like a fort huh?  =)
On Christmas Eve, my parents came over and spent the night with us.  We started with a yummy ham dinner with all the fixings, then the boys made some sugar cookies for Santa, and we attempted a few family pictures in front of the tree, before they headed to bed.  I love the fact that it started snowing around dinner time too.  I actually can't remember the last time we've had a white Christmas!

Santa thanks you boys for some yummy cookies!
On Christmas, I was shocked that they slept so long.  They are normally up by 7am, but Ellis didn't wake up until 7:45 and Logan was sleeping until a little after 8!  They must have been completely exhausted from all the fun with Grandma and Grandpa!  Santa put together their play kitchen so once they saw that, they didn't really realize they had more gifts to open.  It was a bit of a struggle getting them to focus on the other gifts, but we made it work.  It was awesome to see them get so excited at each gift.  They would get this huge smile and then practically run in place in excitement.  We had finished putting together their trampoline and realized it was already almost noon (we actually ate breakfast before opening gifts, and since they woke up later than normal, I don't think they even realized they were hungry) - time just flew by as they played with their new toys, we couldn't believe it!

Santa brought a lot of new toys for Bella too!

After their nap, we headed to the Reaves house for a Christmas dinner and more gifts.  We had our adult Secret Santa exchange and the boys got even more gifts.  They had an awesome time and so did we!  I know last year was technically their first Christmas, but they clearly didn't understand anything about it.  I'm not sure that they really understood what was going on this year either, but they definitely showed their excitement more and that was just awesome to see.

They love their new tent and tunnel from Aunt Nicole and Uncle Mark that I put together for them to play with once they got up this morning!

Today we are just laying back.  Troy had to work, although just for a half day, and I was here with the kids.  Unfortunately this cold that I thought I was doing a good job trying to fight since Saturday, came in full force today.  At least it waited until after Christmas, but I was happy I had no obligations today and could stay in my pajamas and lay low while the boys played with all their new toys.  Tomorrow we hope to enjoy the snow outside.  We have to go out and get a sled, but I think the boys will thoroughly enjoy playing in all the new, white snow.  I'm not sure they will love being bundled up in their new snowsuits, but they will have to get over it if they want to go outside =).

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and is enjoying the last few days of 2012!

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