Sunday, December 9, 2012

A few thank you's

Thank you to:

1) Rochester Hills Public Library, for a great "Polar Express Celebration" on Friday.  We weren't able to get a picture of the boys with Santa because it all happened so quick and we literally had to grab the boys before they fell off Santa's lap from reaching for us.  They took pictures, however, and we were told we'd have access to the pictures later this week - fingers crossed for that one!  They did have fun watching the carolers,

and playing a few "reindeer games",

It was getting to be a little late, but we also made it onto the trolley to see the light show on Main Street.

All in all, a good night!

2) Amazon, for sending such a great gift box.  It literally doubles as a trampoline,

a drum,

a bed,

and a boat (or at least thats what we were calling it, here)

3)  Julie and Shaun, for hosting a great get-together last night and getting the boys a great gift for Christmas.
At least Delevan was smiling.  Logan and Ellis were stuffing their face with
popcorn (it was the best we could do to get them to sit still for a picture!)
It's hard to see but they are sitting on the box of a play/picnic table.  Perfect for inside or out!  This will be used a TON!

What a great weekend.  Tomorrow I am taking the day off and spending time with the boys (oh yeah, and studying for my Math final on Tuesday!) and I'm hoping we are able to make some salt dough ornaments.  Let's see how that goes!  

1 comment:

gramm said...

Oh my, looks like an awesome weekend. Can't wait to see the Santa pic. Yeah, not everyone likes to sit on a strangers lap. :)