Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to the grind

Back to work = less blogging.  It is what it is and I have to accept that.  Despite going back to work, we have had some time for fun too.

Last weekend, Troy got his kayak out to prep things for his salmon fishing trip in two weeks - you think he's a little excited?!?  I was outside with Logan and Ellis so they got to experience a little bit of kayak fishing too:

Nothing major has happened during the week (or should I say I neglected to keep my camera around me for most of the week), but one of my favorite pictures from the week was Ellis - happily eating his lasagna rolls (before his face was too messy):

Gotta love this face!

The most fun we had was yesterday, at Pontiac Lake.  Thanks to Nicole for inviting us - the boys had a ton of fun, and so did we!  No water pictures since I was in there with them, but they loved it!  We must do swimming lessons with them soon!  I must have had my camera on a bad setting (or else the sun messed with the quality of pictures), but here are a few I took:

Digging for gold, but just found rocks!

Morgan and Ellis
This morning I pulled out the forks for the boys to eat with.  We had been practicing mainly with scooping over the summer, but it was worth a shot...and they did awesome.  Logan was very adamant about using the fork to pick up his waffle.  If the piece fell off before it got to his mouth, he put it back on his tray and tried again.  Ellis did well too - although if he couldn't pick it up within the first few tries, he just used his hands - totally fine little guy! I was just shocked at how well they did spearing the food good enough to keep it on the fork and bringing it to their mouth.  

That's it for now.  Today we don't have any major plans - I might run to GAP to look for some new clothes, but just hanging out around here.  Happy Sunday everyone!

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