Monday, January 6, 2014

A Great Day!

Wow, what a day!  Here is our blow by blow (no pun intended)

7am - Troy headed outside to blow snow.  Much to his dismay he didn't do much yesterday (aside from shoveling the deck) and instead wanted to just wait until it was all done snowing instead of going out their multiple times.  So, he paid the price this morning as he was out there for nearly 2.5 hours.  Luckily he wasn't working today either (nearly 20-22 inches in and around Flint)!  We got about 14-16 inches of new snow, but down by the end of the driveway, where the plow had been through a few times, it was really thick - then of course where snow was already drifting, that was as high as 18 inches.

8:15am - I took the kids to their new day care.  I know, I should've kept them home since I had a snow day, but I really wanted them to get adjusted to their new routine.  Plus, I figured that since a lot of people weren't working today (quite a few of the parents of the kids at this day care are teachers), it might be easier for them to get adjusted when there weren't a lot of kids there.  I normally won't be the one taking them (since I leave for work so early), so I wasn't very happy that I had to take them (I really didn't want to see them cry when I left, to be quite honest), but Troy was snow-blowing still, so I couldn't complain.
CRAZY tall mound of snow in the middle of the road near the day care.  Hopefully no one wanted to turn left here!
8:38am - I was on my way home from dropping them off.  There were lots of the workers all in one room with the kids (with maybe 8 kids so far), so I got them situated and Ellis ran off to find a bus to play with and Logan found a plane.  I gave them a kiss and told them to have a good day and that I'd see them later.  Logan started walking to the door, thinking he was leaving with me, but one of the workers distracted him and I took off.  I didn't hear any crying, nor did I see him run after me, so I figured all was good.

10am - Back at home I decided to take this extra day off to my advantage, and went for a run.  On the treadmill of course.  I'm trying to get my ass in shape so today was day 2 and what better way to do it than when the boys aren't home!

11am - Done running and showered.  I decided to call the day care to check in on the boys.  Their report:  They were doing very well.  They did an art project (which they weren't too fond off - no surprise to me) and then they did circle time (what?  we have to sit down and not play with toys?  What kind of place is this?) and of course snack time, which they loved.  LOL.  She said they seemed to be adjusting well, and they were off playing on their own, which is pretty typical of kids when they are new (instead of joining the group of kids when they were trying to do something structured, they were fine with doing their own thing).  She did say that Logan whined a little bit when I left, but he has been ultra-clingy to me lately, so that didn't surprise me either.  So far, so good.

12pm - Troy and I head out to Panera for a little date lunch.  On our way, I got another great phone call - school was cancelled tomorrow too - too cold!  WOO HOO!  So, we had lunch, stopped at Target for a few things, before heading home.

1:30pm - Back at home and after watching Bella try to find a place to pee, I decided to shovel out a little area out for her so she didn't have such a hard time going to the bathroom.

2pm - Finally I relax - watch an episode of House Hunters and then read part of a book I got for Christmas.

4pm - Go get the boys. Troy and I both went to see how the boys did for their first day.  They both got super good reports.  Ellis is really good at cleaning up (I guess we are doing something right at home!) and they both played really well.  Logan spent a good time chatting with Miss Meghan.  She was quite impressed with how they both did for their first day.  Sure, they had been at another day care before, but this is of course a new place to them and I wasn't sure how they'd feel being somewhere new right away.  But I'm really excited about the structure and activities that they will be doing here, versus the random schedule that was at our other daycare.  Even if they didn't get into it much today, within time they will benefit so much from it!  They even did a group art activity that we got to bring home.  HOW CUTE!!

One little boy, Caden, was watching as they were putting their coats on, and Miss Meghan said that the three boys were best buds today.  When we got in the car I asked the boys if they met any new friends and Logan said "Kay Kay".  I couldn't believe it!  Totally sounded like he was trying to say Caden!

Aside from this, lots of talking coming from Logan.  We've been reading a book where he likes to finish the sentences, pointing to lots of things and saying what they are, lots of repeating what we say (better put an end to the profanity around them), and his favorite is "I got you" which sounds more like "I gotchu".  Ellis is picking up quite a bit.  Of course his favorite animal is a horse, which sounds more like "horsch" with an English accent.  He likes the color "blue" and his favorite number he says is "2".  He is trying so hard lately.  In fact, we had a random FaceTime chat with Grandma and Grandpa Bush tonight and I seriously couldn't get a word in!  It was hilarious, well, until I really wanted to say something.

So, that's it for now.  Hopefully everyone stayed warm today and stays warm tomorrow.  Our outdoor thermometer has shown a drop of 7 degrees in the past hour, so I'm happy I'm not out in this frigid air!  Tomorrow I might be out a bit, but not much.  I made an eye appointment for myself (once I realized we didn't have school, I figured I should stop delaying this since it's been 3 years!) and might meet up with a friend that I haven't really gotten to chat with in a while.  Other than that, another run planned and more relaxing.  ENJOY!!

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