Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hello December!

Today was the beginning of our holiday decorating.  As I mentioned before, I'm not a huge decorator ever (notice that we barely have anything hanging on our walls after living here for 4 years!), so my holiday decorations are still pretty minimal, but it's a start.  

Last year I put the tree up while the boys were napping, but I thought maybe they'd like to "help" this year.  So, here goes nothing...

Up goes the tree,

 and what are the boys excited about?  

 yup, the box that the tree is stored in!

So, it was up to me to put the lights up and decorate it - no help from them.  They did like it all lit up and decorated though, once I was done.  
I was trying to get Logan to be gentle, so he said "gentle" every time he hit an ornament.  Looks like we have to work on what "gentle" means!
"TREE" says Logan!

And just like last year, Ellis loves his ornaments!
When the boys took their nap, I turned the lights of the tree off but once they got up, Ellis was quick to notice that they weren't on, so back on they went!

Here's how the mantle turned out.  I feel like it's missing something, but I'm not sure what yet.  I feel almost like I do when I make cards - that something is missing, but if I add something else, it will be overdone.  So, for now, it is what it is and perhaps I will add/change something once I figure out the missing link (and yes, I need to fix the overhanging snow on the righthand side)

Here's to the start of a good holiday season!

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