Thursday, May 5, 2011

One month stats

Logan weighs 8lbs 8oz (2lb. gain since birth) and is 21in. long (1.5in. increase since birth)
He greeted the nurses by peeing all over them, the table, and the wall as they were about to weigh him. You'll show them your frustration when having to get naked, won't you Logan?

Ellis weighs 8lbs 2oz (2lb 3oz gain since birth) and is 21in. long (2in. increase since birth).

The doctor was very pleased by their growth so far. The only question we had for her was our feeding schedule and she gave us 2 thumbs up. We (or maybe just "I") was a bit nervous of overfeeding them since they had been eating nearly 28 oz. already within a 24 hour period. They aren't spitting up frequently or indicating that they are being overfed, but the internet says they should drink 2.5 oz. for every pound (so with roughly 8lb. boys, that would be 20oz. -- 9lbs would be only 22.5oz), which we are clearly over. Every baby is different though, so it looks like we are on the right track.

This past week (and even more so last night) they've been sleeping a bit longer so we are adjusting their sleeping/eating schedule just a bit. Last night they slept from 10:30pm-3am and then from 3:45am-7:45am (usually they are up the second time by 6:30), which of course changed up their eating, but no biggie. I am totally up for waking up later in the morning! =)

As for me, I woke up in the middle of the night with the most excruciating, stabbing pain in my breast (if this is TMI, don't feel you have to read further). It had me in tears so since I couldn't sleep, I spent my time looking on the internet to see what it could be. Well, obviously you can't rely totally on the internet and even if I tried to diagnose myself, I wasn't getting treated by reading it. So, luckily I have an appointment this afternoon to try to get this figured out. Since I'll be out of town tomorrow and then we have the weekend ahead of us, there was NO WAY that I was going to wait this one out to see if it got better on its own. Hopefully its nothing too serious. Just an update -- it was the beginning stages of mastitis. Luckily it is the non-infectious type that could have turned infectious if I let it go too long..thank god I didn't! Lots of massage and pumping to unblock the clog and reduce inflammation, along with some tylenol 3 and motrin 600! Hopefully I'll be back to "normal" by the morning...

Enjoy the day everyone! It's beautiful out and hopefully I won't be at the doctor too late so we can go for our afternoon walk when I get home!


Nicole said...

I can't believe they gained 2 pounds in one month. Great job mama! Get lots of rest and I hope you feel better tomorrow!

gramm said...

They still look alike, don't they. Except for Logan having a bit more hair. (glad the nurse got the same treatment from Logan as you. Don't want him to treat anyone different. :))