Monday, March 31, 2014

Happy Birthday Logan and Ellis

Wow, it's been about 2.5 months since my last entry.  I knew I hadn't posted in a while, but didn't realize it had been that long.  It's not that I didn't want to update photos and whats been going on, but it just takes so much freakin time to post and upload photos.  But, the boys' birthday is definitely worth the time.

3 years...I can't believe it.  I continue to be in awe of how much they are learning, especially with their speech lately.  Ellis has always been a bit behind Logan, but during the last couple weeks he has just been spitting out tons of words and even making some phrases.  Such a proud mama!

But anyways, on to their birthday party.  This year, instead of a big bash with family and all our friends, we kept the party small.  Heck, they are only 3, and I really wanted to just chill and enjoy family time.  And it was perfect.  I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the party and so did the boys.  Thank you, THANK YOU (again) to everyone who made this a great party.

Here is a photo bomb of the party (out of the 100 photos taken - by the way, thank you to Nicole and Mark for photographing!)

I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly he understood the concept of his new balance bike!
Ellis was more excited about being pushed by grandma!  He's got her wrapped around his finger!  =)
Time to open gifts and the boys were all about it!
Ever since they saw Parker's transformers and Switch-and-Go Dinos at Christmas, I knew they would like some of their own - and they absolutely LOVED the ones they got!
A new train set??? Yes, please!
And you can't go wrong with supersized vehicles!
WHAT??  This huge monster truck moves on it's own??!  Awesome!

They love horses lately, so it was a no brainer to get a horse cake!
Logan was so cute when we sang Happy Birthday.  He started singing it too.  Ellis was more excited to play with the horses that were on the cake.  
Ellis is busy playing with the horse while Logan tried so hard to blow out the candles.  Unfortunately lack of breath and distance from the cake kind of hindered his abilities.
Cakes aren't made to be eaten.  They're made to be played with, right Ellis?
He was doing his horse impression, "NEIGH!" and of course putting the horse on his back feet.  Um, yeah, there were a few extra holes on his side of the cake!
Logan slowly but surely dug into his cake and ice cream.  First the ice cream, then he ate Ellis' ice cream that he didn't touch.  A little later he came back to eat his cake and after everyone left and we were cleaning up, we noticed him polishing off Ellis' cake.  Needless to say he was on quite the sugar buzz.  So cute (probably because this is one of the first times he has shown much of an interest in cake and ice cream)!!!
A sugar-high Logan takes a break to pose with Aunt Nicole.  We couldn't get both boys together for a birthday picture, but these cute family pictures do just fine!
The whole afternoon/night was so, so much fun!  Today, as you probably saw on facebook, I high-taileded it out of work (mainly so I wouldn't get caught up in Tigers traffic) and got the boys from daycare and headed to the park for a bit before dinner.  Troy left just a little early from the game to also beat a majority of traffic and met us up at the park with dinner.  He got McDonalds, which kind of scared me because last summer when we tried giving them some food from there, they showed no interest.  Of course I wasn't too bummed that they didn't like it because I don't want it to be something they always want, but today they ate it up.  And hey, a "fun" birthday dinner from McDonald's isn't so bad, is it?  They played for more than an hour and they were pooped when we decided to head home.  Let's just say that when we put them to bed, they fell asleep very quickly.  What an awesome weekend and a wonderful day today!  

So there is our weekend wrap up.  I hope everyone enjoyed the weather outside today as much as we did.  Fingers crossed that this weather sticks around!  Spring, we are ready for you!

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