Sunday, October 21, 2012

Some pre-Halloween fun (and more)

It appears I only update on Sunday's.  Yes, my weeks are a little too busy to update during the week - plus most of our out-of-the-ordinary fun is on the weekends.

Here are this week's highlights -
  • Grandpa Bush is in town from Alaska!  It's been about a year, so it was a much anticipated visit.  He and Grandma were here for Thursday night and Friday morning, so it was a quick visit, but we'll see them again next weekend.

  • We did a Halloween sneak-peek with their costumes.  Sometimes they are funny with extra clothes on.  Hats are hit or miss and socks don't stay on their feet longer than necessary, so we thought we'd put them on just to see their reactions.  And - they loved them!  They actually played in them a good 30 minutes or so before I realized they were probably getting pretty warm since they are fleece-based.
Logan as Mr. Tiger
Ellis as Mr. Dragon
  •  Yesterday, we spent the afternoon and evening with Val and Derek.  It's been a while, so we were happy they came over and joined us for dinner, dessert, some football and a movie.  It was so cute to see Del army crawling all around.  Heck, even Logan crawled right along with him when he saw him moving.  It won't be long before all the boys are running around the basement!

Seriously, who needs toys!?!  They find so much humor standing on boxes and walking off of them.

  • This morning the boys saw that the pack and play that Delevan was sleeping in, was still out and they thought it would be fun to play inside it.
  • After the boys nap, we had some pre-Halloween fun.  The Village of Rochester Hills (an outdoor shopping center nearby) had a Halloween celebration that we went to.  The boys trick-or-treated, picked out 2 small pumpkins, and gave lots of high-fives (that was their "trick" since they can't say trick-or-treat yet).  They weren't quite sure what to do, at first, but they got the hang of it.  One store was letting the boys pick a piece of candy and after that, it was all down hill for Logan.  He was so funny and took as much as he could fit in to his little hand.  One store had a singing pumpkin that had a lid that opened and closed (and they were supposed to get the candy when the pumpkin opened).  Logan grabbed what he could each time it opened, but Ellis was most excited about the song that came from it.  Once the music stopped he kept pushing it, trying to get it to turn on again.  Too funny!
Such a big boy - he did so good carrying his own treat bucket!
Yup, thats Logan!  He's not shy grabbing his own candy.

Looks like they are ready for the Zoo Boo next weekend!
  • After trick-or-treating, we ran to Busch's to pick up a few groceries.  They have a grocery cart with a little car on the front of it and the boys LOVED it.  They loved it so much that they actually started crying when we got them out and put them in the car.  

And that is it for now!  Hopefully this coming week is a little less busy and goes by fast.  I'm definitely looking forward to next weekend already!

1 comment:

gramm said...

Oh, that picture with them in the little car is so cute! And seeing Delevan crawling was cute too!