Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy 0.5!

OMG, the boys are 6 months old! This month has flown by, yet again, but here are some highlights of the month...
  • Food -- The boys have added sweet potatoes and banana to their repertoire of foods and they love both. We also tried oatmeal, but Logan threw up later than night (although maybe it was because oatmeal is more filling than rice?!?) and had a sort of rash on his body the next day, so we are holding off on trying that again any time soon. This weekend we are trying pears. They are also feeding themselves their own bottle. We just put it in front of them and they grab it and hold it the entire time. We thought it was crazy the other day when Ellis even pulled his bottle away from his mouth briefly to let the suction of the nipple out and then continue drinking! They are also VERY interested in us eating. When we are eating dinner and they are on the floor playing, they just lay there and stare at us while we eat. It's actually kind of funny. Looks like it's time to put together their high chairs too!
  • Sleeping -- Their naps have become shorter and less frequent. They lost their "before bed" nap, and their "before dinner" nap is about an hour, instead of 2 hours. That's okay though -- they are sleeping from 8pm til about 7am on weekends (I wake them earlier during the week), so I'm not going to complain. Now if only I could get that much sleep at night...
  • Sitting -- They are getting better with sitting up on their own. Still just a few seconds at a time, but definitely holding their balance upright better than before.
  • Playtime -- They LOVE their jumper. In fact, I bought a jumper for them and then we got one from our neighbor. While trying to figure out which one to keep, we decided to keep both of them. They like them enough, so why not?!? Plus, once the basement is done, we can keep one downstairs and one upstairs.
  • Teeth -- They are still drooling like crazy and sucking on everything in sight (including my toe!), but no signs of teeth popping yet. Maybe in another month..
  • Crawling -- Logan is SO close to wanting to crawl. This week he has been getting one knee bent under him, but he had been keeping his other leg straight, which would cause his butt to go in the air and eventually he would topple over. Well, just as of yesterday, he has gotten both knees underneath him and he is rocking back and forth already. He did it first at my mom's house and just yesterday did it at home. Next time I'll try to catch it on video. Looks like it might be time to get baby gates!
  • They are both close to responding to their names. We are trying to say their names more often while making eye contact and sometimes they do look when we call their name, but not all the time, so it might just be luck. It would probably help to make sure I'm calling them by the right name too...right mom?
Our 6 month check up is next Friday. It was actually supposed to be yesterday, but found out that since it is technically 1 day before they would be exactly 6 months, they wouldn't have been able to get their immunizations. Darn Health Department! So thank you Nicole for mentioning it to me or else I would have been a little unhappy having to go back a second time to get their shots.

Mommy loves you boys and can't wait to see what the next month (or 6) brings! xoxoxoxox

1 comment:

ErinWieczorek said...

They are growing up so fast!!