Monday, December 3, 2012

O Christmas Tree

Yesterday, while the boys were sleeping, I put the tree up and got the lights on before they woke up.  Troy was out and about when they woke up, so I brought them downstairs by myself and as we walked downstairs, they got their first look at the Christmas tree all lit up (we did have a tree up last year, but it was not in the most commonly used room and at the time we had gates to block them from roaming the entire house, so I'm sure they don't remember).  Now, for those that don't know this, the boys have a tendency to want to snuggle when they first wake up - to slowly wake up from their nap, which is hard when they both wake up at the same time and only one of us is here.  So, I'm not sure if that affected their reaction at all, but lets just say their first reaction to the tree was NOT a good one.  Ellis started crying first - then Logan started with his "oh-you-are-crying, Ellis-so-I-will-cry-too" cry - then it got louder and even though I got them out of the room as fast as I could, their crying wasn't stopping.  Thank goodness for Fresh Beat Band!

After they watched their favorite show, they had their snack and then we slowly made our way into the other room.  I kept saying how pretty the tree was and slowly walked over to the tree and they followed me.  I let them touch it and after they saw the ornaments moving and sparkling, they thought that was pretty cool.  They would go walk up to the tree, gently touch an ornament which made it move and hurry and walk away - like they were getting away with something.  It was pretty cute.  Phew - I don't have to take the tree down.  Here are a few pictures from their first tree "experience" this year.

Looking forward to more holiday fun this weekend.  I know, its only Monday, but the weekends are so much more fun than the weekdays lately!  =)  Friday is the Polar Express Celebration at the library and Saturday we'll be hanging out with Shaun and Julie and some close friends that we haven't seen in a while.  It's been almost a year since we've seen Shaun and Julie, so we're way excited to spend some time with them.  Wishing everyone a great week!!!

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