Sunday, November 11, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 9-11

It was bound to happen that I would be a few days behind.  The weekend has been quite busy, so here is a little catch-up:

Day 9 - I am thankful that the boys enjoy looking at and reading books.  I know it's good to start the love of reading at a young age, but I love the fact that they are just as content flipping through books as they are playing with their blocks.  Or, that we have more books in the car to entertain them on car rides compared to other toys.

Day 10 - I am thankful for a good solid 8 hours of sleep.  Thursday night was a bit rough and something was bothering Ellis enough to keep him up off and on for 2 hours.  That made for one sleepy mama on Friday.  Thankfully, I got some decent sleep Friday night to make up for it.

Day 11 - I am thankful for those moments that create uncontrollable laughter.  Two times today, Troy had the boys laughing so hard, it couldn't help but crack you up.  It is definitely nice to have these moments every so often since you can't help but laugh yourself!

I am also thankful for one last beautiful day before what seems like the cold weather settles in.  We definitely enjoyed the day outside.  And for all we know, we might have a future soccer star in the works:

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Those laughs are amazing! I am thankful for the technology we have to be able to share those cute videos. Cannot wait to see everyone next week!