Sunday, October 28, 2012

Zoo Boo

Last night we headed to the Detroit Zoo for their annual Zoo Boo.  Aside from the chilliness, it was a great time.  What made it even more exciting was being able to enjoy the evening with the Reaves Family, Grandma and Grandpa Frahm, and Grandma and Grandpa Bush!

Rapunzel, Firefighter, Dragon and Tiger - all ready for Trick-or-treating!
They had quite a few little activities along the way for the kids.  Most of them were for older kids, but they had a BLAST in this hay maze.  They literally could have went in and out of it 10-15 more times than they did.  Being outside + running around = heaven for these boys!

Just the boys!
Hard to see, but there was a baby elk behind the tree.

Thankfully the fountain wasn't turned on, but the boys loved running onto the sidewalk, then onto the grass.   Ellis actually did a little dance for us (of course I didn't get it on film, but it was really cute!)
They had a ton of cute scenes made with pumpkin animals.  Unfortunately I didn't get many pictures
of them, but here is one of the cool ones (the penguins are gourds that are painted).
Overall, we had lots of fun and got lots of yummy snacks!

In other fun news, since the boys love riding toys, I found a good deal for a Cozy Coupe on Craigslist.  When I went to pick it up Thursday night, they also gave me (for free!!) a couple other riding toys.  They are moving and wanted to get rid of some of this stuff.  Heck, why not!!  

The not-so-fun part of this new toy is having only one.  They are usually pretty good with sharing.  They have enough other fun toys to play with to distract them while one of them plays in the new toy.  Unfortunately this was NOT the case with this toy.  I've been looking on craigslist already for another one, so lets see if anyone responds to my email.  Until then, the car is in hiding to reduce the number of meltdowns we have.  

I hope everyone has a great, sugar-filled Halloween week.  Let's also pray for a miracle with the Tigers!  So far, no team has come behind from a 3-0 deficit to with the World Series, but we can always change that statistic, right?

1 comment:

gramm said...

My fingers are crossed that you get another Coupe soon, so they both can enjoy this awesome toy.